Squishmallows are only being shipped within the US at this time, you can see where to purchase Squishmallows globally click here.
Squishmallows can be shipped to residential, business, and university locations but please make sure that you have added your correct address to ensure accurate delivery. If there are errors in the address and it is not recognized via traditional shipping systems your order may be delayed. If an incorrect address was provided at the time of order, those orders will be set aside to fulfill correctly addressed orders first. For any address issues that were not corrected, Kellytoy is not responsible for any additional shipping charges.
If shipping to a business or university, please check to make sure that your suite or student mailbox number is listed correctly (students confirm with your academic website on how to properly have a package sent to you).
Please note, orders made over the weekend and during sales will be processed in the next two business days. Please take that into consideration when ordering as we DO NOT offer any rush or expedited shipping.